fusing social media and search engines Schedule a Consultation

Fusing Social Media & Search Engines

Personalized Search Experiences

Social Icons and Search Engine Icons Fusing with Star - Web Tech FusionThe evolution of search from Google to social media has marked a significant shift in how we discover information and connect with the world. Over 30% of consumers use social media to find answers to their questions, and 40% of 18-24-year-olds prefer to search using platforms like Instagram and TikTok over Google.

While Google remains the destination for comprehensive web searches, social media platforms have cemented their place in real-time, personalized search experiences. Listening to someone share their experience at a restaurant or shop seems to be more appealing to younger audiences than reading reviews on Google to make decisions.

But is that true for all businesses? The short answer is no, and it depends. This search engine fusion is only just beginning.

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A Social & Searchable Landscape

Social media apps like Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, were once used as just that: ways to stay connected. A place where you share life updates with those closest to you, post images from a recent vacation and watch "how-to" videos when making small home improvements. Today, these social platforms could not be further from their original state.

With 4.8 billion social media users worldwide, they have become hubs for not only gathering information and connecting us to our friends and loved ones, but also places for businesses to grow and thrive. In fact, Facebook alone generates the highest ROI for companies that use its advertising features.

With 91% of small businesses use social media regularly, most of whom increase their advertising budgets year after year to keep up with the competition, it is no wonder why social media has become a search engine

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Evolving Consumer Habits

It is not just businesses changing their stance on social media; consumers are the powerhouse behind it. Google currently ranks third in the eyes of Gen Z consumers, with social media apps like Instagram and TikTok taking up first and second place as search engines for local businesses.

A recent trend report showed that after seeing an ad on TikTok, viewers trust the brand 41% more and are 31% more likely to become loyal to the brand. On the flip side, online reviews on Google are effective building credibility for a product according to 39% of people. That same study found that negative reviews impact 72% of consumers, encouraging them to seek out alternative options. Both platforms offer consumers the help they seek, but in terms of popularity and use cases, things are changing quickly.

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Growing Opportunities

This incredible shift is causing us to rethink how consumers find local businesses and how said businesses should react.

Businesses of all sizes should address this shift by balancing their efforts in terms of where they choose to put their advertising and marketing budgets. With a healthy budget being reserved for Google SEO and SEM, marketing money should also be invested in paid social media campaigns with local efforts.

Tech is always evolving and it is our job to represent and promote brands in the most effective way possible. Instead of staying stagnant with old expectations, we stay on top of the latest changes to ensure our clients remain at the top of the search engines and visible on social media.

Stay ahead of the curve and keep your consumers aware of your latest products and services with the help of our team. Reach out to us today to learn more.

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